Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Just a Typical Day

Today I didn't sew or cook really, but wanted to touch base...what did you fix for dinner?  I warmed up leftover potato soup for my hubby and made a grilled cheese sandwich and a salad for myself.  Not fancy - but just right for a chilly day.  The trees around our neighborhood are gorgeous this year and our local weatherman admitted today that he has no idea why because the weather this summer & fall has not been conducive to causing colorful trees & shrubs.  I guess God just knew we needed something pretty to look at. :)

Some days you just have to do those routine chores that can't be put off any longer and you can't "play" or be very creative.  I needed to get our quilts washed so I headed off to the laundromat with one and put the smaller one in our washer here at home.  In and out of the car running more errands, up and down the stairs multiple times...I'm exhausted!!  And even though I didn't get to make anything fun I still feel as though I accomplished much.  I do enjoy clean bedding!  And Oh yeah - I got to buy a new heated
blanket for our bed! Yay!  Our old one didn't fit the new bed and I have just been chilly at night...and this is only November! Yikes! 

I'm still searching for something fun to make for friends and family for Christmas and when I do I will share it here...along with instructions.  I'm thinking wall hangings would be fun - or some new hot pads for everyone.  They do wear out and can be dangerous if the batting is not thick this gift could also help protect my loved ones! 

Life is interesting...having a home is a LOT of work!  I guess you've probably figured that out by now as well.  It's funny how when we're young and living with our parents all we can think about is having our very own place....but we have no clue - absolutely NO clue as to what is involved in that very noble dream!  But home is home - and it is a true blessing to be able to have the freedom to decorate any way we like and have the comforts we enjoy.  I am thankful - and this is the month when we are reminded of that very thing - to be thankful. 

I love to read a good book - don't you?  Lately I've read a lot of books centered around WWII.  So many things I did not know before - how people in France and England suffered as the Germans invaded and took over their homes.  So much fear with all the bombings and tanks and enemy soldiers.  Scarcity of food....I read that in France they could not get coffee so they made it out of acorns and other things - and it was simply gross!  Families torn apart - children separated from parents who were sent to camps in Germany...death, destruction everywhere.

Yes, we have much to be thankful for.  And may we all pray for peace on earth and do our best to help bring that about!

1 comment:

  1. You are sure right about having a home being a lot of work...but the alternative does not appeal to me either. Looking forward to a sunny day today to keep getting things outside ready for winter. I have a sausage/butternut squash casserole ready to pop in the oven for dinner tonight. (:))


Cinnamon Bundt Cake Recipe

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