Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Quilt Pics Day!

Good afternoon!

Today is errands day, so I don't have a recipe or tutorial for you, but thought I'd just post some pics of quilts and things I've made...to hopefully inspire you. :)

Christmas is just around the corner, so it's definitely time to be considering any of those hand-made items for gifts.  I've made coasters, mug rugs, tablerunners, place mats and wall-hangings for most of my family by now, so I'm trying to find something new and different this year.  I'll keep you posted if I find something fun!
Advent Calendar wall-hanging
Baby quilt

Baby quilt
Wall hanging

Wall hanging

American Girl doll quilt

Lap quilt

Lap quilt

Pot holder

Wall hanging
Quote of the day: When life gets too hard to stand...try kneeling. :)

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful ideas! Need to get working on some Christmas items too!! Thanks!


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